Friday, March 4, 2011

Fallen Soldiers

The right to protest here in the US is one of our fundamental rights. We have the right to assemble and supposedly have free speech (depending on if you are liberal or not). What gives someone the right, though, to disturb someones peace and mourning? Apparently, there is a group of radicals who call themselves Christians, that are showing up to our fallen soldier's funerals. These so called are disrupting the funerals with their protests. For one it is disrespectful to that soldiers family. To the point of being hateful. No where do you have the right to disturb the peace. This is a human life being laid to rest. That person died so you could protest. I ask, what do you know of these soldiers do you know they were sinful? Can you look into their heart, like God, and determine that that individual was evil or gay or whatever it is that you are accusing Americans of? Why do you continue to use your freedom to stir up hate? Why not aim your protest at the front lawn of the capital? On senators home towns? Representatives streets? You have chosen to be the condemner of these young people. Be ware that you will not be judged as harshly.


  1. Those aren't Christians...they are "wannabees" Any person..Christian or not would have intelligence enough to know that it is REAL American blood being slipt in this war.

    God bless every single serviceman and woman.

    I invite you to follow my blog. I'm your newest follower.

  2. very true, thanks for sharing your thoughts:)
