Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Increasingly Difficult

I find myself more and more each day asking the question.......where is our president when crises calls. So many times he has either delayed action or flip-flopped on an issue. ie Egypt. I wonder where was he when Japan's disaster was taking shape? Where was he when the students in Iran asked for backing in 2009? Why did it take so long to answer the call of fellow allies in the case of Lybia. The list goes on and on in the international arena. What about domestic issues? Where is our president when we are still facing problems at home? Why should we be paying almost $4.00/gal of gas? Where is he when inflation is starting to take root? Where is he when we still have an unemployment issue? Oh, I know a couple of these questions! He's been playing golf or on a vacation with his family. Wait! How many of you have gotten to go play a round of golf, lately? (those of you who play) Or, better yet, taken a real vacation with your family? Can you even afford a vacation right now? When was the last time you went on a vacation? How about being able to afford the gas to go on vacation? Or being able to afford groceries? I find it more and more difficult to say that Obama is my president. I don't really think he's one at all.

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