Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rhetoric on taxes

Really getting tired of the liberals telling us we won't have this program or that program if we cut this or that. How important is NPR or PBS? Most of us pay to watch t.v. anyway. Why should my tax dollars go to news programming that is clearly one sided. (Don't forget there was a pbs host who wrote a book about our current president and then moderated a debate after it was published for sale). I had to buy a converter box so I could watch my t.v. Then, we upgraded our t.v. and went with satellite. (we can't get cable where I live). I don't have a satellite bill handy to look at, but I am certain as with my cell phone bill, that we pay certain taxes on it. Excise tax is one that comes to mind. I could be wrong on this. But none the less we still have to pay to watch or in some cases listen to our news and programming. I just can't imagine why we have to keep paying into something and don't get a return on it. I don't want to see our military spending cut. Our troops deal with a lot less the way it is. I just don't think we should be funding pet projects and lining pockets of politicians anymore.

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